Carlos & Elena’s leadership featured in “Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Dining”

In the article, Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Dining: Da best is over dare…in Valpo! Carlos and Elena are featured for there selfless leadership and passion for their adopted town of Valparaiso.

The article discusses the early years when Valpo was on the decline and when people were placing bets how quickly the Spanish Restaurant would be out of business. It also shares the challenges of trying to convince people that outdoor dining, live music and working as a community could change Valpo’s culture.

Valparaiso is a much better place because of Chef Carlos and Elena. It’s also much more fun!

Of course, the article also features Carlos paella and wine while it finishes with Elena’s remarkable desserts. How appropriate for a great ending!

dessert with Elena... Chocolate desserts

For anyone that loves Carlos and Elena, which is everyone, this is must-read entertainment. So put some time aside and discover the story of Carlos, Elena, and their downtown Valpo restaurant friends became an outdoor dining destination that changed Valpo forever.

Read More:  Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Dining: Da best is over dare…in Valpo!

Carlos River in the famed don Quijote wine cellar.

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