Spanish Wine Menu

Best Wine List Valparaiso

If you have explored our Spanish Wine page, you’ve learned that God blessed Spain with the perfect conditions to be called the world’s best wine. This page will introduce you to Valparaiso’s Best Wine List!

Spanish wine has taken a back seat over Italian and French wines for years. That all changed in the 1990s. Spain has become the most celebrated country globally for its wines in the last two decades. To​ learn more, discover Chef Carlos’ internationally ranked blog, Exploring Spanish Wine Regions | Rioja & Marqués de Cáceres​. In this epic journey, you’ll learn how Spain’s wines have risen from the decimation of a civil war to become a world leader in wines.

You’ll also discover why, in Spain, wine is not ordered by grape but by region. If Spanish wines’ sudden popularity and unique culture are a mystery to you, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Don Quijote and the Carlos Rivero Wine Cellar!